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Below is details of a fantastic new program for juniors golfers of all abilities, which is launching at City of Derry GC this November.

We are one of only four Golf Access centres in the whole of Ireland, so it is exciting to be one of the first offer this program, which will tie in nicely with my coaching programs.


Golf Access event - City of Derry Golf Club

First event - Sunday 10th November

Start time from 10.00am

Limited to the first 20 entries.

First event costs £12 (£5 per event there after)

Entrance fee in the first event includes a burgundy band and certificate for starting the Golf Access program and an admin fee which gives each child access to their own online GA locker room to chart their progress.

Families with more than one child playing will be £10 and non members of City of Derry GC £15.

The aim is to stage one event a month over the winter period and then two per month from March, giving everyone lots of events to play in.

For the first event, the younger golfers will play 3 holes to try and achieve the score required for the next band.

The more experienced players will play 6 hole flag golf (first 3 holes count for their banding) they have 30 shots to see how far around the course they can get. When place a flag in ground were their 30th shot finished and that is their score.

I know some of the kids in my Academy didn’t have their own clubs, I have plenty here they can borrow during events.

If you are interest in signing a child up for the first event then please contact me on or via PM on Facebook.

Golf Access locker room

What is Golf Access?

Access is an exciting new golf format designed to get more juniors playing more golf on the course, rather than solely on the driving range or practice ground.

The Golf Access program makes golf fun, as playing the course is more enjoyable than simply hitting balls on a driving range.

It teaches juniors about the rules and etiquette of golf, how to be golf safe and helps them meet other members from the club and make new friends.

City of Derry Golf Access scorecard

The Scoring system

When a junior has played 10 shots on any hole, they must pick the ball up and move to the next hole, marking a score of 10 on the card.

When a participant has played 3 shots in a bunker they can pick the ball up and place the ball to the side of the bunker, no nearer the hole.


The Golf Access events are played over a short course format, the recommended par to yardage ratio for Par 3’s is under 150 yards, Par 4’s between 150-200 yards, and Par 5’s between 200-250 yards.

For the younger golfers they will play from the red tee’s with the holes ranging from 60 to 130 yards

There are 9 different bands / levels for golfers to work through (similar to the belt system in judo for example) in Golf Access and a participant can progress to the next level as soon as they attain the band score or better. The participant can only move one level at a time after posting a score. All participants will start with the maroon coloured band.


When each level has been obtained, junior participants are presented with a coloured wrist band and certificate as recognition of achieving the corresponding level.

For a more detailed look at what Golf access is about visit :

To keep up with all the junior activity at City of Derry GC join me over on my social pages :

Or search Sam Smallwoods Golf - Juniors on facebook for a private group for parents of children interested in golf.


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